Communicate to Win in 2014

Jan 05, 2014

Welcome to what I plan to be an extraordinary year for all of us.

Many of you have come to know me as a media trainer and strategist. You’ve heard me talk about how developing a traditional media presence gives you the credibility to catapult your business and life to new heights.

However, that’s not all. Here’s the massive bonus that most people don’t realize…

Even if you never appear on traditional media, learning that same mindset and skills will serve you on your own personal stage as a speaker, professional and throughout your life.

If you are afraid of traditional media or don’t feel you are ready, no worries. I plan to help you too because I don’t want you to miss out!

Here’s why this approach to communication is most effective…

You have seconds to make a first impression. And what is the gold standard of connecting quickly and keeping an audience interested? TV! Learn the gold standard and it serves you everywhere.

After 20 years producing celebrities, experts and everyday people for TV, I can tell you that the way you communicate your message can make or break you. You must authentically communicate to connect. When you connect with your audience you score.

Today we are beginning 2014 where all success begins – with a commitment.

My commitment to you is that this blog will continue to be a tangible source for learning how to communicate in media, business and life.

My request from you is simple. I ask you to raise your hand and say ‘Yes, I want to soar in 2014 and I recognize that communicating at a top tier level is essential to my success.’

Look for teaching blogs full of actionable info this year.

And super exciting…in a few weeks I will begin a five-week special event blog series. You won’t want to miss that…so please stay tuned!

For today, here’s your two-part action step.

  1. Communication is not a solo sport, so please pick a partner to soar with in 2014. I encourage you to look outside your immediate circle because often you get the most transformative feedback from folks who know little about you or your business. Please make sure that person (or those people) sign up for my list so neither of you miss an opportunity to support each other.
  2. Next, carve out a minimum of 10 minutes for your first exercise. Each of you will share your most important message for 60 seconds. Go one at a time. When one finishes, the other should repeat the message back. The purpose is to see if your partner fully understands you. Pay close attention to where your partner is missing the boat. Focus on how you can more clearly articulate those points. Even the smallest tweaks to your messaging can yield huge results. Rest assured, you’ll learn more about how to do that in blogs to come.

Don’t forget to mark your calendar for the week of January 20th. That’s when my special blog training series begins.

Until then, please answer this question in the comments below: What’s your MOTIVATION for better communication in 2014? It could be any kind of success. Just about any goal will be directly or indirectly forwarded by enhanced communication.

If you found this blog helpful, please email it to a friend or share it on Twitter and FACEBOOK. I can’t wait to hear from you!

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