Get The Media Attention YOU DESERVE!

Sep 09, 2013

By nature I am passionate and committed. If I am in, I am really in. But this year, I am upping the ante. I just celebrated my birthday and I am recommitting to making each day count.

How am I going to do that? Well, at the top of my list is more effectively serving you. That’s my mission…

For 20 years I had the privilege of producing TV for incredible people like Oprah Winfrey and Anderson Cooper. During that time, I witnessed over and over again how one of the best ways people serve themselves is through authentic, stellar messaging.

How you communicate can mean the difference between a major TV booking that catapults your brand straight to the top and lingering in the unknown, watching someone else get the attention you deserve.

But that’s not all.

You see, there is a very high bar for messaging at the top tiers of traditional media. Once you learn to authentically message at those levels, everything else falls into line. Great messaging can make the difference between your video going viral and single digit clicks. It can be the difference between major web traffic and a stagnant site. And it can be the difference between a best selling book or product and a flop.

That’s right, communicating your message like a pro is that powerful. And the exciting news is that it’s entirely possible with the right strategy and skills!

Recently I kicked off the year by speaking about media messaging at my friend Brendon Burchard’s World’s Greatest Speaker Training (Thank you Brendon!). It was an honor to watch brave students step up to the plate to learn this game changing skill…and coach them alongside Brendon, Bo Eason and Roger Love.

You see, we have all been told that you need to tell your story. And you do! But you can’t do that without a strategy. You must focus on the HOW…how you articulate your message when you pitch media, represent your business and grow your life.

I know that learning to message is challenging. It can be overwhelming. Even scary. That’s normal and I am here to help.

I am going to share the first step to great messaging today and it won’t cost you a penny. (Wooohooo!) You really want to lean in here because after 20 years of being pitched I can tell you that most people miss this step…and when they do that, they cheat themselves out of incredible opportunities.

So what is it?


That’s right…I am encouraging you to strategically watch more TV, read more magazines and newspapers and listen to the radio. I want you to have your finger on the pulse of what the public cares about. And I want you to understand the specific media outlets you are pitching.

If you want to create a great pitch, you need to know your audience. If you don’t, you can’t possibly craft your message to be best received. When you purposefully consume media it allows you to authentically differentiate yourself from the pack.

There’s lots more to know about great pitching, but it all starts with this one fun step. I mean, really…how often does a coach tell you to watch more TV?

It’s even more productive and fun if you watch and read with a friend. That way you can share the experience, discuss what you learned and brainstorm ideas.

I hope you will join me in upping the ante on your messaging today.

If you found this blog helpful, please feel free to email it to a friend or share it on Facebook. And please tell me how you plan to purposefully consume traditional media in the comments below. My goal is to support you, so please also tell me about your goals and the topics that most interest you.

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