Hidden Holiday Media Opportunities

Dec 08, 2013

We are knee deep in the holiday season. Many of us are slowing down at work and revving up for important family time and celebration. Using media coverage to grow your influence may fall to the back burner.

What most people don’t realize is that there may be hidden holiday media opportunities. You just need to know how to seize them.

Today I will give you three holiday media strategies to accelerate your business.

1. When you turn on TV news during the holidays, did you ever notice that the top anchors are often on vacation? We see junior talent filling larger roles. And if they do well, it’s a stepping-stone to a promotion.

Did you know that the same principle applies for TV experts? When high profile TV experts go soak up sun on a beach, that spells opportunity for YOU!

Step up while everyone else is checked out!

How do you do that?

First, think about the time of year most people want to be off. This is usually Christmas Eve, Christmas, New Years Eve and New Years Day. Also consider the days leading up to Christmas and between the two holidays.

Next, take advantage of the less competitive environment. Pitch an idea that makes sense for the holidays and let local media know that you are available. Don’t delay. Some shows are already set. Others are still planning now.

Think about it – you could do a TV appearance on Christmas morning and be back with your family by 9am. Before breakfast you’ve gained valuable exposure for your business and equally valuable experience building your credibility as a TV expert.

2. What do you pitch during the holidays?

Topics that are timely and relevant for the season of course!

Does your business have a hot new product? Are you a therapist who can advise about sticky holiday family dynamics? Are you a financial advisor who can tell us how to save money with last minute shopping or get back on track in the New Year? Or do you have a charity you can tie into your business? Holidays are a great time to get attention for acts of kindness and generosity.

Folks, these are just a few ideas off the top of my head. I challenge you to think about how your business or expertise can be relevant for the holidays. Always brainstorm from a place of honesty and authenticity. Ideas are everywhere. Think outside the box!

Just like in business, the quality of your media relationships has a major impact on your success. That’s why I teach you how to create and grow media relationships.

Here’s something simple that everyone can do. Reach out to a media contact and say happy holidays. During the year, you may be looking for a reason to make contact, but at holiday season, the holidays ARE your excuse. So connect and forward your relationship! Don’t be pushy. Just work on organically developing the relationship. Relationship building is not a sprint. It’s a marathon. And it’s a marathon that yields big results.

If you don’t yet have contacts in media, don’t worry. Everyone starts somewhere. Reach out to someone who may know someone in media and ask them if they would consider connecting you to their contact in 2014. I imagine that if you think hard enough, you do know someone…even if that person is several contacts removed from a media contact. You never know who your friends know unless you ask. By taking this step you are laying the groundwork for future opportunities.

Folks, let’s close out 2013 with a bang! Remember, successful people are not waiting around for opportunities to come to them. You need to educate yourself, process what you learn and use it to your advantage.

I encourage you to begin taking action by reaching out to a media contact today. If you don’t know anyone in media, remember to reach out to someone with potential to connect you in the future.

If you found this blog helpful, please email it to a friend or share it on FACEBOOK. Then, please write about your experience in the comments below. I can’t wait to hear from you!

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