How To Piggyback On Buzz

Aug 10, 2016

People ask me why some experts and businesses get attention and others don’t.

One of the most successful strategies for being perceived as a LEADER in your field is to add value to what’s in the news. Are you missing out?

Whether you love the Olympics like I do or not, you can benefit from learning to showcase your leadership by using the strategy in the Share The Olympic Spotlight post.

Share The Olympic Spotlight teaches you how to link your expertise to what’s topical now. Let’s take a look at the 2016 Olympic coverage and how you could be reaping rewards right away.

Are you in medicine or alternative medicine? If so, many people have noticed marks on the back of swimmer Michael Phelps. Those marks are from a healing therapy called cupping.

Are you an adoptive parent, therapist or child advocate? If so, the adoption story of gymnast Simone Biles has renewed a conversation on adoption, foster care and how the word “parent” is defined.

Do you care about the way women are perceived? If so, there’s been talk about how female athletes are covered in the media.

If the topics I just mentioned are areas related to your business or expertise, then you could be piggybacking on that attention by adding value to the conversation.

These topics were just the first three that came to my mind while I watched Olympic coverage. You know your expertise best, so maybe you will notice others that relate to you. That would be great!

I encourage you to watch with your business in mind and then, when appropriate, strategically share your thoughts.

I say “when appropriate” because just because you could comment does not necessarily mean you should. Sometimes it’s better to remain quiet. You need to use your judgment about what is best for you and your business.

Also, know that news cycles move quickly. What’s topical today may not be topical tomorrow. You must strike while it’s hot.

What you are learning here is not just applicable to the Olympics. It’s a strategy for showing leadership on any subject that’s trending.

In the comments below, I’d love to hear how you plan to connect to what’s hot and add value. Also, if you think a friend might enjoy this coaching, please share this post with your tribe and on social media.

Happy watching!


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