Is Your Guilty Pleasure Good Business?

Sep 30, 2013

Recently I had a student admit that her “guilty pleasures” are the various Real Housewives shows and Scandal.

I immediately responded … because I do not view watching those shows (or other shows) as anything anyone should feel “guilty” about!!

In fact, let’s rejoice. We are well into premiere season and some of the most loved shows on TV are back! Plus there’s a host of new shows fighting to become the next big thing … exciting!!

Now, to be clear…
I am NOT endorsing watching TV to the exclusion of all else or a scenario where it is negatively impacting your business or life. But, I AM absolving you of any guilt you feel about tuning in.

Now, I know there are some of you who rarely turn on your TV because you have been told it is a waste of time. Today I’m giving you a gentle nudge in a new direction.!

Aside from the sheer pleasure of an experience that’s relaxing and enjoyable (and we all need more enjoyment in our life) … here are two strategic BUSINESS reasons why watching TV is good for your bottom line.!

1. When you are watching TV, you are actually becoming a part of our collective culture. Even if you are alone, you are sharing an experience with others and that allows you a point of connection in future interactions with clients and potential clients. A simple point of connection can be as valuable or more valuable than any service we provide in terms of getting and keeping business. That’s because it’s human nature to want to work with people we enjoy.

2. When you watch popular shows…or even niche ones…you want to look for ways to connect your expertise and whatever it is that the public is buzzing about.

Let’s use the student I told you about earlier as an example. She’s a relationship coach and she told me that because of her expertise, she has insight into the couples she sees on TV. She sees a connection between her business and what she is watching.

So what can she do? Strategically and authentically connect the popular TV shows and her expertise in a blog or a pitch. Then, presto chango! It’s a new spin on what she is already teaching, but it’s more effective in getting attention and serving her business because people already care about the TV show.

I promise you that you can find a way to tie your expertise to something on TV in some way. The key is to actively look for AUTHENTIC opportunities that connect what you do best to something that’s already popular.

The more people connect with you and see your value, the more it bolsters your bottom line. Sometimes you’ll see the results immediately and other times it will pay off down the road. But, no matter what, it is worth your effort. How fabulous is that?!

And for those of you saying you don’t have time for TV, my guess is you do. Consider setting your DVR and watching while you do something else. It could be paying bills, cooking, cleaning, getting dressed, doing laundry…so many options. You can also watch many shows on your tablet as you travel. You may be surprised by how much you enjoy it!

So, no more guilt and no more depriving yourself. Know that your time in front of the tube is actually strategic and happy time on the clock!

If you found this blog helpful, please feel free to email it to a friend or share it on Facebook. And please tell me how you plan to link your business to a TV powerhouse in the comments below. I can’t wait to hear!

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