The Importance Of Your Story…

Feb 05, 2013

Hello and welcome to my blog. I am honored that you’ve taken time out of your day to read my thoughts. I hope you learn from, are empowered by and enjoy them.

As I launch this site, I am grateful for the experiences I’ve had over my 20-year career in television – especially the opportunity to work with Oprah Winfrey and Anderson Cooper. I’m humbled by the thousands of people from all walks of life who in one way or another entrusted me with their story. Crime survivors and criminals. People living with emotional or physical conditions. Celebrities. Athletes. Fashion Designers. Politicians. Law Enforcement. Doctors. Lawyers. CEOs. Entrepreneurs. Even an astronaut. And countless others…

People often ask about my favorite story. I don’t have one, but I can say that it is the courage of everyday people like you and me who have impacted me the most.

I’ve never forgotten an incredible woman named Yvette Cade. Yvette is a survivor of domestic violence and I produced her inspiring story while at The Oprah Winfrey Show. On October 10, 2005 her ex-husband came into her workplace, poured gasoline on her and literally set her on fire. She was burned over 60 percent of her body. My crew and I met her after she’d had 17 surgeries. She was unable to live alone or do basic tasks without assistance, but she desperately wanted to tell her story. That drive to help women in similar situations gave her the strength to walk onto The Oprah Winfrey Show stage and reveal her horrifying experience. I was so proud that she spoke her truth.

Telling your story takes courage. Perhaps you are afraid of public speaking or terrified of how you will be judged. That’s completely normal because your reputation and in many cases the reputation of your company are on the line.

As this blog unfolds, I’ll be sharing my perspective and tools about how to overcome your fears and be successful in media. I began today with Yvette Cade because I believe the most compelling media starts with the most compelling story…and to make the impact you want, you need to understand how to tell YOUR story in a way that captures people’s attention and builds a connection. That’s what I help people do.

Yvette’s unthinkable experience drove her message of empowering women to leave an abusive relationship. Today, I challenge you to think about your story and how it can drive your important message.

Let’s continue to spread Yvette’s message. If you are in an abusive relationship, the National Domestic Violence Hotline can help you.

Call 1-800-799-SAFE

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